Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cross Examination

A: So, what're you doing?
T: Homework.
A: That doesn't look like homework.
T: I mean I was doing homework, but I'm taking a break.
A: So can I see what you were doing for homework?
T: Well, uhh.. I already closed it.
A: Can't you just open it open again?
T: That would take too long, plus I'm busy.
A: But you would only have to make a couple clicks.
T: Well, I'm doing research now.
A: That's Youtube.
T: Yea, I'm doing research on Youtube.
A: What assignment is this?
T: It's the Research-Youtube-by-looking-at-videos-assignment, now get off my case.
A: There's no such assignment.
T: Yea there is..
A: I just looked at the assignment and there's nothing about Youtube on there.
A: I could of told you that.
T: Gaaah!! Look! I'm doing homework now, happy?
A: Wasn't that due three days ago.
T: *throws up his hands and leaves the building*

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